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Record Prep & Upload


Preparing your Individual Flight Record Report (IFRR)

There are several different pages in your Flight Record Folder which you will need to obtain from the HARM before you begin.  The pages with individual sortie entries on them are titled “Individual Flight Record Report”.  These are the pages our algorithm will parse to create your logbook.

Please do not include any of the following in your upload. The system will not process:

If you have UPT entries from G/TIMS, AF Form 3520s, or Dot Matrix pages, you can add the entries to the bottom of your AAMS or Envision Excel file at no extra cost as long as they are in the AAMS or Envision format. Since G/TIMS does not list Air Force component time (PRI, SEC, OTH), you will have to make an educated guess on the type of time logged on each sortie.

If you do not have an AAMS or Envision file, download the Sample Air Force ARMS Template at the bottom of this page. Fill out and email the template to and we will process it for you with the rest of your Flight Record Upload.

  1. Redact all instances of your full or partial SSN. It is recommended that you redact your information by hand. Redacting information using the Adobe Redaction Tool will automatically lower the resolution of your scanned file and may require you to rescan your records.

  2. It is very important that you use a traditional scanner to create your PDF documents and save all of your records as an Adobe .pdf file at 600 dpi and in color. Although most pages are printed in black & white, a document scanned in color allows us to alter the scanned images for the best possible results.

  3. The system will only accept one PDF document per user. Please combine all of your scanned records into one PDF document prior to your upload.

  4. If you have digital records from AAMS or Envision, you will also be able to upload one Excel file separately when you upload the PDF file of your paper records.

Preparing your AAMS and/or Envision Records

  1. UPDATE: AAMS is offline as of 30 Sept 2023. If you do not have a saved backup file from AAMS, you may be able to obtain a copy from the AMC/A3TFS office.

  2. If you do have an AAMS file to upload: in order to reduce possible duplicates, remove any dates which overlap your IFRR pages (do not alter any other portion of the template) and save the file in .xlsx format.

  3. If you have an Envision file to upload: make sure that there is a column listing the "Duty Position" for each line entry (i.e. "FP", "MP", "IP", etc.). Also, in order to reduce possible duplicates, remove any dates which overlap your IFRR pages and save the file in .xlsx format.

Uploading your IFRR and/or AAMS/Envision Record(s)

Do not begin the upload process until all of your records (IFRR and/or AAMS/Envision) are ready. MilKEEP will not begin processing your records until everything is uploaded.

  1. From the menu at the top of the home screen, select “Add”, then ”Upload Individual Flight Record”.

  2. If you have not purchased the Individual Flight Record Upload service, you will be directed our Purchase a Service page for payment processing in order to access the “Upload” feature.

  3. Upload your PDF file where it says Upload Scanned PDF Here.

  4. If you have an AAMS or Envision file, upload the Excel file where it says Upload AAMS/Envision Excel File Here.

  5. Review and acknowledge the statements below including the Privacy statement.

  6. Click “Submit”.

  7. You will receive an email from MilKEEP once your logbook is complete!

  8. Please note: You have 7 days from the time you upload your Individual Flight Record Report to upload an AAMS or Envision Excel file. After 7 days, you will need to purchase an Additional Page Upload.


Upload a Sierra Hotel Aviation Readiness Program (SHARP) / M-SHARP Record

  1. Contact SHARP representative and ask for a copy of your "MilKEEP Logbook" from SHARP

  2. From the menu at the top of the MilKEEP home screen, select “+Add” then ”SHARP Record”.

  3. If you have not purchased this service, you will be directed to an external site for payment processing in order to access the “Upload” feature.

  4. Choose the correct file from your computer.

  5. Review and acknowledge the statements below including the Privacy statement. 

  6. Click “Submit”.

  7. You will receive an email from MilKEEP once your logbook is complete!


Upload Your Centralized Aviation Records System (CAFRS) Flight Data Export and Form 759

  1. Export your flight data from the CAFRS database in a .xlsx format. If you have missing records or cannot access the file on your CD, you can contact the CAFRS Help Desk to obtain your records in an Excel format.

  2. From the menu at the top of the MilKEEP home screen, select “+Add” then ”Upload Flight Records (CAFRS/759)”.

  3. If you have not purchased this service, you will be directed to our “Purchase a Service” page for payment processing in order to upload your flight records.

  4. Under “Upload CAFRS File Here”, click on the ‘Choose File” button and select the correct .xls or .xlsx file from your computer.

  5. Under “Upload 759 Here”, click on the ‘Choose File” button and select the correct .pdf file from your computer. DO NOT upload a 759 for records that already exist in CAFRS. The system will create entries for all records uploaded, and this will lead to duplicate hours in your logbook.

  6. Review and acknowledge the statements below including the Privacy statement.

  7. Click the checkbox acknowledging that you are uploading all of your records in their entirety. If you need to upload both CAFRS and a 759 but do not have either of them available, you will have two days from your initial upload to upload the final document.

  8. Click “Submit”.

  9. You will receive an email from MilKEEP once your logbook is complete!


Upload Your ALMIS Records

  1. Export your flight data from ALMIS in a .xlsx format.

  2. From the menu at the top of the MilKEEP home screen, select “+Add” then ”ALMIS File”.

  3. If you have not purchased this service, you will be directed to our “Purchase a Service” page for payment processing in order to upload your flight records.

  4. Under “Upload ALMIS File Here”, click on the ‘Choose File” button and select the correct file from your computer.

  5. Review and acknowledge the statements below including the Privacy statement.

  6. Click the checkbox acknowledging that you are uploading all of your records in their entirety.

  7. Click “Submit”.

  8. You will receive an email from MilKEEP once your logbook is complete!


  1. Download the “Template for Civilian Logbook Import” located under the “Samples and Templates” heading of the “Record Prep” page. DO NOT ALTER THE TEMPLATE (change/add column headers, etc.) IN ANY WAY.

  2. Complete all fields of the template, including “Sortie(s)” column.

  3. In order to adhere to airline application reporting requirements, your Total time should be the sum of (IP/EP + PIC + SIC + Dual + Civ Other). Do not "dual-log" time (i.e. do not log 1.0 SIC and 1.0 Dual for a 1.0 Total time sortie).

  4. Fill in any blank cells in the data range with a “0” (zero).

  5. Fields for Route of Flight can be added using “ICAO-ICAO” format. For multiple fields, separate all ICAO field names with a “-”

  6. Visit the “Settings” page to complete your “Civilian Aircraft” library.

  7. Under the “+Add”tab, select “Civilian Logbook Template”

  8. Upload your saved .xlsx file


**Premium Members can upload one Additional Military Record (IFRR, AAMS, Envision, CAFRS, SHARP, M-SHARP) file per month. Please note that this service is for Military Flight Records ONLY. If you need to upload civilian records, please use the Civilian Logbook Import service.**

  1. From the menu at the top of the home screen, select “+Add”, then ”Premium Member Monthly File”. If you do not have a Premium membership, you will be redirected to our payment page.

  2. Prepare your file by removing any entries that already exist in your logbook. The system will process everything in the file you upload.

  3. Select the file from your device that you wish to upload. The system will only accept the Excel .xlsx file format for Army, Navy, and Marine users. For Air Force users, you may submit a maximum of two (2) IFRR pages in a PDF format.

  4. Review and acknowledge the confirmation statements.

  5. Click “Submit”.

  6. MilKEEP will send you an email once your records are updated!


The Additional Military Record upload is $9.99 for one Excel file (AAMS, Envision, CAFRS, SHARP, M-SHARP) or $9.99 per scanned PDF page (Air Force IFRR pages only). Please note that this service is for Military Flight Records ONLY. If you need to upload civilian records, please use the Civilian Logbook Import service.

  1. From the menu at the top of the home screen, select “+Add”, then ”Additional Military Record(s)”. If you have not paid for an Additional Military Record Upload, you will be redirected to our payment page.

  2. Prepare your file by removing any entries that already exist in your logbook. The system will process everything in the file you upload.

  3. Select the file (Excel .xlsx file or PDF) from your device and upload it using the appropriate file format button.

  4. Review and acknowledge the confirmation statements.

  5. Click “Submit”.

  6. MilKEEP will send you an email once your records are updated!

Samples and Templates

Download Sample Air Force ARMS Template file HERE.
Download Sample NAVY SHARP file HERE.
Download Sample ARMY CAFRS Flight Data Export file HERE.
Download Sample Marines MSHARP file HERE.
Download Sample Coast Guard ALMIS file HERE.
Download Sample Civilian Logbook Import file HERE.
Download file Template for UPT Upload HERE.